Top Uses of a Small Business Loan

Sep 27, 2023

You’d like to think your cash flow will always be enough to pay all your business’ bills and keep you operating, but sometimes you need an infusion of capital. Here are six popular ways to use a small business loan. 


Everyday operations
Running a business can cost a pretty penny. With responsibilities for covering payroll, to funding daily operations, to paying the rent, there are always new expenses cropping up. A small business loan can help your company cover the unforeseen, as well as stay afloat during its slower seasons.

Arizona Financial’s business loans offer generous terms and competitive rates. Contact one of our business loan officers to learn more or to submit an application.

New equipment

Purchasing new equipment and machinery can help your business save on everyday expenses by increasing efficiency, but that initial outlay can also cost your business. A small business loan can help make the necessary purchases affordable.


Every retail business needs to keep its inventory well-stocked and in high demand to stay in the game. Sometimes, though, a business will find it challenging to keep up with inventory if the previous stock didn’t sell as well as anticipated or the business is going through an especially slow season.


A small business loan can help keep up with inventory during these times.


Debt consolidation

Keeping up with monthly payments on outstanding debt while staying on top of other expenses can be difficult for a struggling small business.


A small business loan can enable a small business to refinance or consolidate their debt into lower-interest and fixed monthly payments.


Marketing campaigns

Having a fantastic business model is not enough to make it prosperous; people need to know you exist. Without the right kind of marketing, a business can be invisible to the public; but ad space, branding, commercials and more can be enormously expensive.


A small business loan can help you get your hands on the capital you need to run a marketing campaign that drives real results.


Expansion and growth

Sometimes, a great opportunity for growth can present itself to a business, but the cost of funding it is prohibitive. A small business loan can help a business secure the funds it needs to grow to its full potential. 


If you have questions about the process of obtaining a business loan or if you would like to see what options might be available to you, contact Arizona Financial's team business lending experts  – they're here to help!