Our Local Causes debit card makes donations possible
Every time you use your Local Causes debit card, you help support nonprofits throughout Arizona.
We've awarded more than $500,000 in grants since 2020! Know a nonprofit in need? Sign up below to be notified when applications open for 2025.
Notification Request Form
Applications will be accepted again in August and September 2025.
Sign up below to be notified.
If your nonprofit organization would like to be considered for a corporate donation from the Arizona Financial Community Fund, please sign up below to be notified when applications open again.
Submit Your Request:
See the impact
Check out how using Arizona Financial's debit cards helps make a difference in our local communities.
This video shows how organizations like the Barn House AZ benefit from our support.
You spend.
We donate.
Every Arizona Financial Checking Account comes with a Local Causes debit card. Every time you make a purchase, the credit union makes a contribution to the Arizona Financial Community Fund.
Who gets
the money?
Each year the funds are granted to smaller nonprofit organizations throughout Arizona to support their critical programs. Learn more about some of the local nonprofit organizations that have received grants.
Who is the
local artist?
The Local Causes Debit Card was designed by Jon Arvizu, a Scottsdale-based designer behind the popular High Jinks Apparel brand.