We do some pretty incredible things supporting our community and sometimes we're in the local Arizona news.
Click below to review all of Arizona Financial's latest press releases, announcements, and updates.
We welcome the opportunity to participate in local news stories about banking, financial literacy, and other important topics affecting our community.
Stay connected with Arizona Financial for news and press room updates!
5/28/24 – Arizona Financial is voted #1 SBA Lender in 2024 (AZBIGMEDIA)
5/9/24 – How CEO Amy Hysell is guiding Arizona Financial Credit Union's organic growth in Arizona (Phoenix Business Journal)
4/30/24 – Mohammed Ahmad, Arizona Financial AVP of Business Banking, discusses the benefits of local banking for your business (Phoenix Business Journal)
2/20/24 – Arizona Financial establishes the Kelvin Smith Small Business Grant in partnership with Local First Arizona in memory of late Board member (Arizona Digital Free Press)
2/9/24 – Mohammed Ahmad, Arizona Financial AVP of Business Banking, shares simple strategies for small businesses to safeguard capital and support growth (In Business Magazine)